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ESM boat seat footrest fold up style suits 73mm I.D - Escaping Outdoors
ESM boat seat footrest fold up style suits 73mm I.D - Escaping Outdoors
ESM boat seat folding footrest - Escaping Outdoors
ESM boat seat footrest fold up style suits 73mm I.D - Escaping Outdoors 2

Fold-up boat seat footrest - suits 73mm I.D

$ 288.00
Incl GST
Product SKU : RWB3933


ESM foldup boat seat foot rest specifications

Boat seat fold-up pedestal footrest made from heavy duty grey powder coated aluminium. A quality boat seat product from ESM, this footrest will add lots of comfort for you at the helm. Simply clamp your fold-up footrest onto the tube of the pedestal and it will easily fold-up out of the way when not required.

2 sizes footrests to suit 2 tube diameters of seat pedestals :

  • RWB3933 - Suits 73mm 2 7/8” O.D tube - suits most seat pedestals - other than gas assisted
  • RWB3934 - Suits 87mm 3 3/8” O.D tube - suits gas assisted pedestals - RWB3931 and RWB3932

NOTE: this sale is for the footrest only. 2 photos shown are of the footrest in position on a pedestal.

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